Contact Your U.S. Senators & Representative: Cosponsor the NO BAN Act
Please write to your U.S. Senators & Representative to ask them to cosponsor the NO BAN Act. If one or more of your Members of Congress are already on as a cosponsor, the system will prompt you to send a thank you message.
On the election trail, President Trump vowed not only to reinstate the “Muslim Ban” he imposed as President in 2017, but to expand it. On his first day back in office this January, he previewed a travel ban which could go into effect at any time before March 21. In response, the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants (NO BAN) Act, was reintroduced in the U.S. Congress last week by Rep. Judy Chu in the House of Representatives and Sen. Chris Coons in the Senate.
The NO BAN Act would prevent the Trump Administration from banning Muslims, or any other religious group, from entering the country solely because of their religion, by strengthening the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination based on religion. The bill would also require that any suspension of entry into the United States be narrowly tailored, backed by credible evidence, and subject to appropriate consultation with Congress.
You can help by writing to your Members of Congress today.
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Thank You
Thank you for taking action to support the NO BAN Act. The NRCAT team will continue to keep you apprised with the latest updates on the progress of the legislation.
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